What cause hot tub shell blistering

Hot tub shell blistering can be caused by various factors, including:

  1. Water chemistry: Improper water chemistry can lead to shell blistering. High pH levels or excessive amounts of chlorine or bromine can degrade the shell’s surface and cause blistering over time. It’s important to maintain proper water chemistry by regularly testing and adjusting the pH, alkalinity, and sanitizer levels.
  2. Chemical imbalance: Using unbalanced or low-quality chemicals in your hot tub can also contribute to shell blistering. Some chemicals may contain abrasive or corrosive substances that can damage the shell’s surface.
  3. Sun exposure: Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can cause the hot tub shell to deteriorate and blister over time. UV rays can break down the materials used in the shell, especially if it is made of lower-quality or older materials.
  4. Poor maintenance: Neglecting regular maintenance and cleaning of the hot tub can lead to shell blistering. The accumulation of dirt, debris, and oils can create a breeding ground for bacteria and algae, which can eat away at the shell’s surface and cause blistering.
  5. Manufacturing defects: In some cases, hot tub shell blistering can be the result of manufacturing defects or poor quality control during the production process. These defects may not be immediately apparent but can become evident over time as the shell deteriorates.

To prevent shell blistering, it’s crucial to maintain proper water chemistry, use high-quality chemicals, regularly clean and maintain the hot tub, and provide protection from excessive sunlight. If blistering does occur, it’s best to consult with a professional to assess the extent of the damage and determine the appropriate repair or replacement options.